Connecting ordinary People With An Extraordinary God 

Who We Are

In 99 Words

We are a body of imperfect people who desire to live our lives to serve and worship a perfect God. We understand the issues that people struggle with today, and how applying Biblical principles and truths to our lives in this ever-changing world can be difficult.  However, we also know that as we walk with God, He gives us the tools necessary to live our life to the fullest as designed and intended by God. Jesus came to save the broken, the hurting and the lost. That is all of us, so come as you are.

our beliefs

The Gospel Message

  • God created man in His own image
  • Sin separated man from God
  • Jesus came to bridge that separation
  • Jesus chose to die on a Cross as payment for our sins
  • After his death, on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead conquering death and sin
  • Because Jesus died and rose again we can have a relationship with Jesus Christ
  • This relationship gives us hope, peace, and purpose in this life
  • This relationship also gives us an inheritance of eternal life in heaven with Jesus Christ

Our Mission

  • GATHER to worship Him.
    We want to help people connect with God!
  • GROW through community and small groups.
    We want to see people connect with each other and become stronger Christians!
  • GO and share the "gospel" of Jesus Christ
    We want to equip people to serve inside and outside the church and to make a difference for the Kingdom of God!
Open bible in hands

Guiding Principles

  • Every person that walks the face of the Earth matters to God
  • We are called to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
  • We are called to align ourselves with God's Word
  • We do everything as if we are doing it for the Lord
  • We practice forgiveness in Biblical relationships
  • We meet together in our homes to devote ourselves to further spiritual growth
  • Prayer is essential in everything we do
  • Every believer has been given a Spiritual gift
  • Unity is essential for a vibrant church

Our Values

  • We love God
  • We serve people
  • We never walk alone
  • We welcome others inside and outside the walls of the church
  • We are growing in Christlikeness

meet our Team

Jeanie Balzer
Children's Pastor
Bryan Mcclure
Technical Director
Trinity Ozias
Youth Pastor
Adam Parrish
Associate Pastor
Roberto & Lydia Perez
Hispanic Ministry Pastors
Kyle Rogers
Lead Pastor
Garrett Stalder
Worship Pastor
Matt Williams
College Pastor